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Worship & Prayer

Our first priority is to worship Jesus and to host God’s presence in our lives and ministry. We are convinced that it is our ongoing responsibility to go deep and dig a well of the presence of God, that other people can step into. 



In the regular outreaches you will have the opportunity to grow in boldness, taking risks for Jesus. You will also have the opportunity to grow in the areas of words of knowledge, healing and preaching. We will equip you to be a bright light, building the kingdom of God everywhere you go.



As the Academy takes place in the setting of our local church plant, there will be many opportunities to serve and to grow in your ministry skills. We require every student to participate and serve in a life group, worship night, the Sunday service and other church activities. 



We believe that healthy leaders are formed in community and that the Holy Spirit loves to fall on unity. That’s why every week you will be challenged to grow in community and connection with your fellow students. 



As you discover your calling, you will have the opportunity to serve the ministry in the areas of creativity, practical work, worship, media, marketing, teaching, business, leadership and many others. These work fields may vary and change, in order to fit the needs of the ministry and the strengths of our students. 



Receive excellent teachings from our local team and leaders from all around the world. Our speakers are experienced in ministry, church planting and leadership. 



Good leaders never stop learning. As part of our goal to develop a lifestyle of teachability and self-development, we expect every student complete our mandatory reading list, which you will receive upon acceptance to the academy. 



To encourage your further growth, you can expect occasional additional tasks and will need to take time around your week-schedule to process and go deep in the topics you have received teaching on. 


Language School

The first months of the Academy every international student is asked to spend separate time on studying Spanish and invest in language exchanges. In the first few months there will be a few hours separated for students to engage in language study or preferably enrol in a language program. 



A typical week at the Academy is around 40 hours, plus church meetings and leaves space to connect with others and for self study. The school is a full-time program. In the case of students wanting to pursue a part time job next to the school, we ask every applicant to communicate this beforehand, as part of the application process. Decisions are taken after prayerful consideration on a case to case basis. If possible students are asked to raise their support to a level, that no additional job is required. 



Kaleo Madrid’s Academy is recognised as an official Kaleo International Missionary Training, and gives you the opportunity to apply as a missionary at any Kaleo International Base afterwards. To graduate from the Academy you are required to have paid your tuition fees in full, been absent less than 14 days and have demonstrated consistent godly character, leadership abilities and engagement. 

DATES 25/26

Start Date:



Kaleo Mexico Family Gathering:

Within the first weeks of November, more details follow


Kaleo International’s annual Family Gathering is hosted in Mexico, providing a great opportunity to connect with other leaders and Kaleo missionaries from all around the world and go deep in the presence of God together. 


Winter Holidays:

15.12.25 - 4.1.26


Spring Holiday:

23.3. - 29.3.26


Kaleo Madrid Event:

In April, more details follow


Finish Date:



As Kaleo Madrid is invited to minister to churches across Europe, you might also get the opportunity to accompany our team on a European ministry trip, providing you with the incredible chance to learn first hand how to minister in power and love.

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