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Abigail & Manuel

“In 2018 God spoke to us in a dream about moving back to Europe. He then shared His heart with us to see a generation raised up, that falls radically in love with Jesus and lays down their life completely for His cause. This generation is not defined by age, but by their passion for Jesus.

Together we can make this happen! Europe is ready for Jesus. But we can’t be satisfied with the comfortable, we need to be willing to pay the price for a lifestyle that is consumed by His fire and Holy Spirit, demonstrating his power and love to all people.” 

Our Team

We are a raising up a team of passionate lovers of Jesus. Together, we share Jesus with the lost and equip healthy, strong disciples to build His kingdom together. 

The beauty of this community is found in the incredible of passion for Jesus and love for people, which is expressed through outreach, worship, creativity, teaching and leadership. 


The Kaleo Madrid team have each taken the step of faith to leave their families and nations behind, and follow God’s call onto the mission field. We live by faith, and our finances come through God’s provision and the generous support of others, if you are interested in supporting a member of our team, you will find information on how to contact them below. 


As a team we live a culture of worship and intimacy with Jesus, His presence is our passion and priority. From this place, we head out onto the streets to share the gospel, and pray for those we meet. We raise up disciples, leaders and missionaries, ready to be sent to their families, work places and the nations!

Bianka (Germany),

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Bianka’s passion for the word of God is contagious! She builds upon the solid foundation of the Bible and intimacy with God in everything she does, from sharing Jesus on the streets, to leading a life group and teaching in the academy. Her love and compassion for others tangibly reflects the heart of Jesus to those she meets.


Manuel & Abigail

(Germany & England)

If you would like to support Manu and Abi, you can donate to: 


Kaleo International Deutschland e.V.

DE69 7606 9559 0000 8754 49



With the payment reference: Manu and Abi 

If you are from Germany and would like to receive a tax receipt, please email: with your full name and address. 

Manu and Abi are the founders and leaders of the Kaleo International Madrid. Their passion is to see people fall whole heartedly in love with Jesus, and begin to live in deep, life changing relationship with Him, following His Spirit in all areas of life. They love to raise people up, from the first encounter with Jesus on the streets to training and equipping them to walk in the fullness of the God given call on their lives.


Sophia (Germany),

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Sophia’s intimacy with Jesus is the fountain from which her worship leading flows. Her desire to pursue Jesus, His way, and His truth in beautiful and bold surrender, challenges and encourages others to do the same. Her hunger for His word shines through in her teaching and leadership skills.


Jonas (Germany),



Marika (Finland),

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Mari is a worshipper, with a passion for joy and freedom! She loves to see the presence of God invade and transform lives wherever she goes. Her heart for evangelism, discipleship and inner healing ministry has helped many to step into freedom and become rooted and established in their identity as children of God.


Jakob (Germany),

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The revival man! He is passionate about the power of God and seeing lives changed through encounter. He loves to make Jesus known out on the streets, through sharing the gospel and seeing the sick healed. There is no junior Holy Spirit and as he leads the kid’s ministry he loves to equip them to live this same lifestyle, led by the presence of God.



Rox has a heart for the nations, her heart breaks for what breaks His. She loves people deeply and faithfully walks the road of discipleship with many. She has a passion for prayer and intercession, to see His Kingdom come and the nations transformed in His presence. From the place of prayer she loves to be sent to the lost, boldly stepping out to reach those God leads her to.

Frieder (Germany), Missionary


Aleksandra (Poland), Missionary

Aleksandra (Poland),


Frieder (Germany), Missionary

Kaleo International

We are honoured to serve and minister under the covering of Kaleo International. Kaleo International is an international missions organisation connected with Iris Global. We are dedicated to planting Churches in the darkest places and raising up strong, healthy leaders.

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Andrew Fanstone,

President of Iris Global Brasil

I have followed what God has been doing in and through the lives of Manuel and Abi, since they first met on our missions school in Brazil in 2015.


They are leaders that walk in integrity, passion for Jesus and a desire to see a generation raised up to reach the lost through simple obiedence and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

I see the ministry of Kaleo Madrid as one of the sparks that God is raising up ready to set Europe on fire for Jesus.

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